Sam and frodo gay movie cut
Sam and frodo gay movie cut

He shook his head, as if finding words useless, and murmured: “I love him.

sam and frodo gay movie cut

Not that Sam Gamgee put it that way to himself. Frodo’s face was peaceful, the marks of fear and care had left it but it looked old, old and beautiful, as if the chiseling of the shaping years was now revealed in many fine lines that had before been hidden, though the identity of the face was not changed. Then as he had kept watch Sam had noticed that at times a light seemed to be shining faintly within but now the light was even clearer and stronger. In the second book, Sam does say he loves Frodo. But when watching Frodo and Sam interact, there always seemed to be a lot more there than just friendship, and that’s not even counting the master-servant relationship. I think most people know what friendship is. I think when arguments start about whether or not Frodo and Sam are gay, one of the things that gets brought up is friendship somehow being “tainted” and twisted into gay fantasy. How are they queer-coded, you ask? Let me count the ways:ġ) There’s strong friendship, and then there’s loud subtext. It looks like that engagement photo you get that you immediately want to shred to pieces because the couple that’s getting married is that couple, the one always showing PDA when you’re just trying to eat your sandwich or walk to the store or something. That thought process (and perhaps my passive-aggressiveness at PDA and my love-hate relationship with the idea of weddings) led me to create this foolery a couple of years ago:īut in all seriousness, Frodo and Sam are quite queer-coded (whether Sean Astin wants to believe that or not). It’s like the person behind the camera had an agenda. were successful in making Frodo and Sam the hottest couple of 2003, even though they probably never intended for the relationship to be interpreted that way.įirst of all, as a Frodo/Sam geek, I love this picture that was apparently used for press purposes. But if the large amount of fanfiction is anything to go by, along with some forums and the reactions my former classmates had to the scene at the end of Return of the King when it looks like Frodo’s about to kiss Sam before he goes to the Undying Lands, then it would seem that Peter Jackson et al. Yeah, The Lord of the Rings characters Frodo and Sam are queer-coded too, at least, to me, if not to everyone else. Tolkien, Queer Coding, queer-coded, Sam, The Lord of the Rings

  • Running Gag: The skits with Legolas solving everyone's problems by shooting an arrow with the Ring tied to it at Mount Doom, destroying it instantly.Featured, Frodo, J.R.R.
  • Not That There's Anything Wrong with That: What his "if they were actually gay that'd be cool" comments about Frodo/Sam comes off as, right before he makes not-impressed faces about lines that were in the book.
  • Marty Stu: The Critic considers Legolas to have become one over the course of the movies.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Discussed by the Critic in #5.
  • Having a friendship and being in love are two very different things." To the Critic, it was obvious that Tolkien's intention was to show the friendship aspect more. "If Frodo and Sam were actually gay in the story, I wouldn't care.The intention was not to show The Power of Love it was meant to show The Power of Friendship.
  • Ho Yay: The Critic's problem with Sam and Frodo's relationship.
  • God-Mode Sue: What the Critic thinks Legolas became over the course of the movies.
  • Ending Fatigue: In regards to the ending of The Return of the King.
  • Badass Decay: The Critic states that this happened to Arwen after being written out of the story via her "life tied to the fate of the Ring.".
  • Adaptational Comic Relief: The Critic doesn't like how this happened to Gimli.
  • sam and frodo gay movie cut

    Just Letting Gandalf Die (The Fellowship letting Gandalf fall down an abyss in the first film without any real justification.).The numerous false endings in Return of the King.Gimli's Idiot Moments (Gimli's reduction to comic relief.).Legolas's Perfect Moments (Legolas's lack of weakness and frequent show-off moments.).Those Close-Up Shots (Pointless wide-angle close-up shots, specifically in the first movie.).Denethor ( John Noble's over-the-top performance of Denethor, and by extension, his Adaptational Villainy into a not-so sympathetic character.).

    sam and frodo gay movie cut

    "I'm Not Dead!" (Constant death fake outs.)."Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the Ring." (The ring's connection to Arwen's fate.The homoerotic undertones of Frodo and Sam's relationship - specifically, according to the Critic, as a detriment to showing their strong friendship.Sara-who? (Saruman's absence in the theatrical cut of Return of the King.).Those Eagles Who Could've Stopped Everything (The Eagles' neglected chance to save the world from the start.).Countdown: The Top 11 Dumbest Moments in The Lord of the Rings films

    Sam and frodo gay movie cut